Energy & Waste Audits
UHG Consulting works in city's such as Boulder and Los Angeles to help commercial, industrial, and residential buildings reduce their energy, waste, and water consumption to reduce utility bills and comply with city ordinances.
Energy Audits
Energy Audits are a great way to examine how a facility is operating. UHG can design an audit to meet a client's need or perform a standard ASHRAE Level I or Level II Energy Audit.
A typical Energy Audit includes:
analysis of current energy usage
examination of building operation schedules
lighting load breakdown
energy consumption profile
inventory of systems and devices
recommendations on ways to reduce energy bills
Expected results: 10-25% reduction in energy bills
Pricing on energy audits are dependent upon building size, usage, and complexity.
Waste Audits
Waste Audits help organizations become more efficient. The best way to reduce your waste bills and the amount of material that is brought to the landfill is to examine the trash. A typical UHG Waste Audit includes:
examination of current waste bill
analysis of the current waste collection process
physical examination of an organization's trash
recommendations for improved waste management
Expected results: 10-30% reduction in trash
Pricing on waste audits is dependent upon the amount of trash that needs to be examined.
Water Audits
Water Audits are most often performed on multi-family residential apartment units. A typical UHG Water Audit includes:
analysis of current water usage
analysis of current water bill
examination of building's internal water fixtures
examination of all external water uses
examination of building occupancy patterns
recommendations of ways to reduce water bills
Expected results: 20-35% reduction in water bills
Pricing on water audits is dependent upon building size and complexity.