LEED Certification
UHG provides a menu of options for organizations that wish to achieve LEED Certification.
UHG can tailor its involvement to your needs by project managing every facet of the LEED project, providing support to staff performing the heavy lifting of LEED, or becoming involved in specific LEED credits.
Pre-Application Analysis
If LEED certification is a goal for your organization but you're unsure how achievable it is for your building, UHG can help with a Pre-Application Project Analysis. This analysis is a 1-2 month study of a property to determine where it stands in relation LEED. UHG will meet with staff and collect data from the property to accurately estimate:
How many credits a property can achieve
How long the certification process will take
What LEED certification with cost
What steps need to occur before the performance period can begin
LEED Project Manager
The LEED process relies heavily on the documentation of the project by a local source. The creation of this documentation can be very time consuming and precise, thus most organizations hire an experienced firm like UHG to manage the process as LEED Project Manager. In this role, UHG normally works alongside the property management, engineering staff, and third party contractors in the following roles:
Manages the entire LEED process
Coordinates team work loads
Fills in the gaps and works with clients
Minimizes client staff spent on LEED certification
LEED Project Coordinator
Some organizations have the bandwidth to perform the numerous tasks required for LEED. These organizations wish to have someone coordinating their work efforts and providing LEED templates for staff to fill in. For these organizations, UHG acts as Project Coordinator:
Manages the entire LEED process
Coordinates team work loads
Provides fill-in-the-blank LEED templates
Additional LEED Services
LEED Credit Expert
Execution of the LEED Custodial Effectiveness Assessment
Performance of a LEED Waste Audit
Creation of LEED-specific surveys
LEED Maintenance
Performing regularly scheduled LEED check-ups
Maintaining LEED policies
Performing yearly reporting on credits previously achieved